Tuesday, February 05, 2008


If Bush were a Democrat

As if it weren't bad enough that Americans have been continually lied to by Bush and his henchmen since 2000, we have also been lied to by our Democratic leadership in Congress since 2005 when they began to see a chance at a majority.

Out of what can only be viewed as "self concern" for their re-election to office and political careers, these selfish bastards have not only not held Bush accountable for the lies, they have held the rug up while others held the brooms to sweep it all away.

Where is John Conyers ? Certainly not in the headlines regarding any impeachment investigation. He seems perfectly content (or too afraid for his position and career) to just let things be.
Where is Henry Waxman? Sibel Edmonds is waiting.

935. Nine Hundred-thirty five. 32.08 is the number of dead and wounded US soldiers for each one of the 935 LIES told to America and the world by Bush and his thugs. But here again, our Democratic leadership tells us they can't RISK hurting their chances in Nov. 2008. It is much more about them personally than it is about accountability. After all, they must protect themselves at all costs. They fear bringing anything to light would only embarrass them and hurt them as a party.

But, what if Bush were a Democrat? If Bush were a Democrat, I believe the Democratic Leadership's actions prove that in order to PROTECT THEMSELVES and their careers Pelosi would be out there on TV every night championing impeachment and accountability to stave off political embarrassment.

Just one more trip through the Looking Glass in a way

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