Thursday, March 17, 2005


Senate On Top of Steroid Use In Baseball

Wow!! Lucky for us, baseball fans all across America will no longer have to be subjected to "fake home runs" of steroid using ball players. Just think how many times you cheered for a home run thinking you were seeing the "real thing", only to find out now that the home run was most likely due to the drug enduced bulked up muscle that allowed the player to put it out of the park. Americans have been duped !!!

Well not anymore, nowthat our fine Senators are standing behind home plate exposing such an important issue in America today, determined to save the integrity of the game.

But I cannot help but to wonder, why is steroid use more important than the outting of a CIA agent, or fake news stories produced by the bush administration or, fake journalists in the White House press room, or why we don't yet have a real exit strategy from Iraq, or fake forged documents related to uranium, or fixing our obviously bogus voting system here at home, or the bush admin lying about approved torture of prisoners, or any one of a number of things that really matter here at home field.

Oh I know, fake homeruns could hit the capitalist baseball team owners in the pocket book affecting their millions of dollars in earnings. Those other few "silly things" I mentioned, only effect the entire country. But if there's one thing our Congress knows, way more Americans pay attention to baseball than what's going on in America's own backyard.

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