Wednesday, September 06, 2006


For-getting Bin Laden?

I think it's time to get Americans talking about Osama Bin Laden again. I think we should discuss the possibility that maybe bush doesn't want bin laden. Perhaps this has something to do with Bin Laden denying involvement in 9/11 to begin with. Maybe that's why he was allowed to "escape" at Tora Bora, and why the 'war" in Afghanistan was never all that important to bush, and just maybe why the FBI doesn't list 9/11 on his Wanted Poster!
Or did the Saudi's tell bush "hands off"?

And just maybe the report that Pakistan said Bin Laden could live there as long as he was a "good boy" was a ploy by bush to be able to say, "what do you want me to do?" Bush want Americans to forget about Bin Laden plain and simple. Just like he has.

Bin Laden was nothing but a "tool" to bush and his NeoCon Administration and now perhaps they are "done with him", having achieved eroding our Constitution, convincing Americans to succumb to fear, luring us into standing patiently in lines with our shoes off, allowing our phone calls and emails and Internet activity to be "monitored", emptying our pockets and bags for "security" every time we attend a public event or enter a government building, and on and on because there is danger everywhere!

But I believe Americans have to ask themselves at some point just how it all got to this point, and the answer is the American media. I do not believe that the American people would have allowed these eroding actions of our freedoms to take place without the media playing town crier for the White House. The American media was the "terrorists little helper" bush was counting on to achieve his goal. Terror was the message and Government control of a "willing public" was the prize.

I wonder, perhaps Bin Laden was secretly advising the bush administration and that's why he said in a Sept 2001 interview, "...[T]error is the most dreaded weapon in modern age and the Western media is mercilessly using it against its own people. It can add fear and helplessness in the psyche of the people of Europe and the United States. It means that what the enemies of the United States cannot do, its media is doing that.

So, I think it's time Americans begin discussing Bin Laden again knowing what we now know and see what the American media has to say in reply.

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