Thursday, November 10, 2005


Weller Clueless on Iraq Facts

While in DC for the War Protest in Sept, I stopped by Weller's office and dropped off a letter urging him to support a "PLAN" for leaving Iraq. (Last summer Weller was one of a handful who rejected a bi-partisan 3 pt. plan that passed in the House Foreign Relations Committee by a big margain.)

I finally recieved a reply to my letter dated Oct. 17, 2005. Not surprisingly, Weller still believes that it's better to fight them over there than here and that Al Queda wants to take us down. (bush speak)

Then Weller begins quoting Gen. Abizaid,and Gen. Meyers, from their Sept 28th briefing to the House Armed Services Committee. OK fine. But then in the next paragraph, Weller goes on to state some "statistics".
"There are now over 110 Iraqi combat battallions comprised of more than 195,000 security personnel."

Weller didn't say where he got these "facts" however. Surely it wasn't from the Sept. 28, testimony since HEADLINES and NEWS STORIES running on Sept. 30th, 2005 told us that there IS ONLY ONE TRAINED BATTALLION in IRAQ today. DOWN from three in June, I might add.

Only one Iraqi battalion ready to go it alone, top U.S. commander says.... Was the Headline from the Seattle Times on Sept. 30.

BAGHDAD, Iraq — Three car bombs detonated nearly simultaneously just north of Baghdad, killing at least 60 people yesterday as an American commander told members of Congress in Washington that only one Iraqi battalion was able to operate independently of U.S. forces.
The report by Army Gen. George Casey, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, surprised the Senate Armed Services Committee, since Casey had told Congress in June that three battalions were combat ready.

US general: Single Iraqi unit is combat ready - Conflict in Iraq ... Then this from MSNBC.

And this was from testimony given by Gen. Casey to the Senate Armed Services Committee..... Weller in his letter says "House" ... Weller must not have known Casey was "reporting" to the Senate.

the article goes on: Casey was joined before the Senate committee by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Air Force Gen. Richard Myers, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Gen. John Abizaid, the head of the U.S. Central Command.

Huh??? How could the Generals possibly tell two such different stories to the two different committees just a day apart if you believe the "facts" about battalions and troops as stated by Weller.

OK , so it's clear by his letter, Weller wants to stay in Iraq. Now we come to the questions of how we even got to Iraq in the first place, and was the intelligence "hyped". Weller doesn't feel these questons need to be answered at all and that accountability just isn't necessary.

H. Res. 505 by Dennis Kucinich: House Resolution 505 presents the Administration with an opportunity to put to rest the charges that it exaggerated intelligence or misled the nation into war. It asks only that the Administration allow this body to examine the relevant documents of the White House Iraq Group. It asks only that the Administration cooperate in allowing Congress to do the oversight work that the proper functioning of our democracy requires.

Weller VOTED NO. Why? Americans by a large majority are now asking WHY are we in Iraq? and yet Weller doesn't feel the American people deserve an answer?

Given the sheer fact that Weller doesn't know the facts according to his reply letter, I say it's time Weller step aside and let someone who isn't afraid of the truth lead.

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