Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Is Weller's Paranoia due to Guily Conscience?

I have to laugh. Last night I attended a local manufacturing business event that addressed free trade and the loss of American jobs, and the devastating effects on American families. Nucor Steel, who held the event, put on a marvelous presentation I must say. Thank you, Dan DiMicco.

Politicians too turned out. Senator Dick Durbin, State Senator Debbie Halverson, and congressman jerry( geraldo) weller, who didn't appear to be enjoying himself too much. CNN even covered the event for Lou Dobbs, Money Line.

Now our little group has been closely following Jerry Weller's SELL AMERICA to the lowliest bidder. Weller was truly uncomfortable in this evenings venue, as his votes prove that he disagrees with virtually everything the town hall addressed regarding American trade.

Ironically, our local Republican leaning newspaper's review of the meeting showed a picture of Weller shaking hands with the meetings organizer Dan DiMicco, and IGNORED the praise given to Senator Dick Durbin by the presenter for his strong support of legislation that benefits the American worker.

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