Thursday, June 02, 2005


Bush Twins to Marry Uday and Qusay Hussein

Boy, what a headline that would be with your morning coffee. Actually though, similar headlines rang out world wide in the last few months running up to the 2004 elections. For example; Illinois Congressman Jerry Weller (R-IL) to Marry Ex-Dictator's Daughter.

Actually, both the Hussein's and the Rios Montt's have very similar backgrounds.

Gen. Montt (Weller's father-in law) was trained by the US at The School of Americas before he took his military and over threw the government in Guatemala with the help of the CIA and the Reagan administration, and then went about slaughtering, some say, as many as 100,000 Mayans, forcing people to live in horrid conditions and fear.

Saddam Hussein was propped up and coddled by our CIA enabling him to over throw the powers in control before he went about slaughtering and warring in the region.

In both instances the US government turned the other way, acting if as nothing at all was amiss with their "boys" While Rummy was meeting with Saddam, Reagan was praising Montt.

GW bush and Montt have much in common, such as, When the born-again general took power in 1982, his messianic fervor poured forth in bizarre torrents. "God gives power to whomever he wants," Ríos Montt raved. "And he gave it to me."

And Montt and Hussein have lots in common too. A report on the slaughter by Amnesty International succinctly describes the kinds of atrocities that became commonplace in Ríos Montt 's Guatemala: "People of all ages were not only shot, they were burned alive, hacked to death, disemboweled, drowned, beheaded. Small children were smashed against rocks or bayoneted to death."

I wonder if the Bush clan would justify thmarriagege of Jenna and Barbara to Uday and Qusay in the same way Weller justifies his. He claims he can't help who he falls in love with.

Weller's wife, Zury Rios Sosa may not be Uday or Qusay per se, but she definitely doesn't have clean hands.

So considering our Governments cries of FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY and CHOICE and OPPORTUNITY in the war on terror, and thatrocitieses on Human Rights going on even today in Guatemala, bush should have told Weller:

FUCK HER , but DON'T Marry her!!

Or like I like to say; Weller got "laid" and we got "CAFTAed"

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