Friday, August 27, 2004


Vietnam 2004

Well it seems it's just another day to fight about Vietnam here in America. I wonder if the US troops stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq on extended forced stay care about Vietnam today. I'm sure the topic of conversation is more on the subject of "staying alive" than if John Kerry bled enough or not.

Sadly though, all across American airwaves and newpaper print, Vietnam is the all important topic in the headlines. I'm sure the troops will be glad to know American's are all consumed with the contentious events of 35 yrs ago as they duck bullets and mortar rounds and IEDs and RPGs.

Ironically, the majority of our troops in Iraq fighting this war, were probably not even born when the Vietnam war was being fought. I wonder though if their parents are caught up in the new Vietnam conflict of today or, are they filled with anxiety hoping that the military vehicle doesn't suddelny pull up in their drive way. I'm sure their parents were alive during Vietnam.

It seems to me as thought America has forgotten about today's war in Iraq. No one is really talking about solutions anymore or how to bring peace to the whole thing. Oh, that's right, it's the Iraqi's problem now, we are just there for "support".

Somewhere in Iraq a US soldier has just been wounded, I wonder if the Swift Boat Vets would like to go and see how much blood was spilled.

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